About me

  šŸ‘‹ I'm Yogananda Potnuru. Iā€™m a MERN Full Stack Developer, primarily focusing on front-end technologies. I also have experience working in MNCs as part of some great teams and an agile environment. The technologies I primarily work with at the moment are JavaScript, TypeScript, ReactJs, Redux, Zustand, Antd.

  Iā€™m a young and motivated individual who is reliable and confident with proven skills and experience. I enjoy problem-solving and am quick to learn, have good communication skills as well as the ability to work efficiently both individually and as part of a team in a professional environment. Iā€™m committed to working in the IT industry, skill and subject I am deeply passionate about.

  I am from Mechanical Engineering and moved to IT field out of my interest, and fell in love with web development and learned Modern JavaScript Library and Frameworks like ReactJs and NodeJs

What i'm doing

  • design icon

    Web Design/Developmet

      I have skills to develop full-stack web applications and services in a variety of technologies. My knowledge area for full-stack apps includes HTML/CSS/JS, MERN stack. I'm able to create and maintain APIs, web servers.

  • Web development icon

    Database Systems

      I have a detailed level of understanding of relational database management systems. I have experience with normalization and a wide range of SQL languages, most notably MySQL/MariaDB, and NoSQL such as MongoDB and Redis. I also have the know-how to implement and use databases in software applications and RESTful APIs.

  • mobile app icon

    Mobile Responsiveness

      With React JS Framework, I can developa web application which is completely Responsive to all sizes of mobiles, tabs and various types of monitors.



  1. Associate Business Analyst at Infosys

    8th Aug 2022 ā€” Present

      Currently working FrontEnd Developer at Infosys technologies in Hyderabad, as a Vendor to "Apple company" on internal Apple applications.

    My responsibilities include:

    • Contributed and assisted in the frontend architecture design of the Developer Experience Portal by implementing Micro Frontend Architecture which reduces maintenance demands, results in faster and more efficient development cycles and reduces complexity when implementing changes.
    • Designed, wireframed and built frontend components for a Developer Experience Portal, in collaboration with multiple customer teams and stakeholders.
    • Developed frontend components and modules, including multipipeline visualization, project setup, and project preview using React, Typescript, Zustand, and AntDesign.
    • Using React flows concept for multipipeline visualization to present data in form of tree structures.
    • Created Server-Sent Events module for real-time logs for all pipeline executions and deployment processes.

  2. Software Engineer at HCL Technologies

    14th Oct 2020 ā€” 4th Mar 2022

      I worked at HCL technologies in Hyderabad, on a customer support portal. My role there was a Software Developer, where I was a part of a fast-paced and encouraging workforce.

    My responsibilities include:

    • Working on the technical implementation of Support Portal.
    • Translated designs and wireframes into a highly responsive user interface and reusable components using React js.
    • Used Back-End APIs to display data using the Custom Components, library Components.
    • Supporting the creation of standardized documentation and code review.
    • Worked on tracking and maintaining the latest KB's and related customer guides on an everyday basis.


  1. B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering

    2017 ā€” 2020

    Completed my graduation from Raghu Engineering College, JNTUK affiliated

    CGPA: 8.0

  2. Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

    2014 ā€” 2017

    Completed Diploma from Sankethika Polytechnic College, under SBTET(State Board of Technical Education)

    Percentage: 88%

My skillset

    HTML CSS JavaScript ReactJS NodeJs ExpressJs Bootstrap Material UI MongoDB my SQL

Tools Used

    Visual Studio GitHub Postman Heroku Netlify
